文章 Article by: 日新说 Copernicium
对种族歧视说不!Say no to racial discrimination!
Trump's second election has given a "pass" to those who harbor ulterior motives, and their discrimination and differential treatment are becoming more and more rampant, which will have a lasting impact on the lives and mental health of Asians. Therefore, we come here to help each other and share our experience in fighting against racial discrimination in the United States, so that those who discriminate against race will know: We are not easy to bully! This is a trauma-informed, practical guide with various email templates included. Please share it with your friends.
作者 Author:Jayne C, Ivy W, Jess 编辑
Editor:阿K (A K)

Photo from Asians Won't Stay Silent:亚裔反击种族歧视的实用指南!article
种族歧视的形式 Forms of racial discrimination
Racial discrimination does not only come from white people - people of any ethnicity can practice racial discrimination against people of any ethnicity because it is a manifestation of the internalization of white supremacy and the racial class system.
语言歧视 Language discrimination
明显的歧视性用语有 Obvious discriminatory terms include:chink/ching-chong/chinaman等;”Go back to your country”
不那么明显的microaggression有 Less obvious microaggressions include:
追问出身 Asking about origin: Where are you from? Where are you really from?
隐藏在赞美中的他者化 Othering hidden in praise: Your English is really good.
肢体表现歧视 Physical discrimination
服务人员假装没有听见你的询问 The waiter pretended not to hear your question.
在公共场合(例如巴士)避开你 Avoid you in public places (such as on buses)
就业机会、职业发展歧视 Discrimination in employment opportunities and career development
关于亚裔 “数学好但不擅言辞”、“技术强、能吃苦、但缺乏魄力和领导力”的刻板印象,并以此作为录用、工作分配等的依据 Stereotypes about Asians being “good at math but not good at speaking” and “technically competent and able to endure hardships but lacking in courage and leadership” are used as a basis for hiring and job assignments.
以工作签证等为要挟,延迟升职加薪 Using work visas as threats to delay promotions and salary increases
对亚裔员工有 “model minority” 的期待,不能接受亚裔就 “歧视” 发声 There is an expectation that Asian employees should be “model minorities” and cannot accept Asians speak out about “discrimination”
认为 leadership position的亚裔一定是 diversity hire. Beliving that Asians in leadership positions must be “diversity hires”
拒绝承认职场歧视的存在 Refusing to acknowledge the existence of workplace discrimination
为什么这对平权会有意思?Why is this important at CCNCTO?
Racism as Part of Class and Power 种族歧视是阶级和权力爪牙
种族歧视与阶级歧视紧密相连,共同作用使被种族化的工人长期处于低薪、不安全的工作环境中。殖民体系将华工贴上“只适合从事辛苦廉价劳动”的标签,将其描绘为一种“天性”,而不是一种剥削手段。这种刻板印象被用来为恶劣待遇和低工资辩护,甚至在今天,这些观念仍然影响着被种族化工人的工作条件。Racism and classism are tightly linked, working together to keep racialized workers in low-wage, unsafe jobs. Colonial systems labeled Chinese workers as “fit” only for hard, cheap labor, painting this as a natural trait rather than a tactic to exploit them. This stereotype was used to justify poor treatment and low pay, and even today, these ideas continue to shape the conditions racialized workers face.
种族歧视仍然被用来分化工人并压低工资,使某些群体更容易受到剥削。从修建铁路到餐馆工作,华工一直被限制在低薪工作中,缺乏反抗的力量。这也是为什么工人组织不仅仅关乎工资,而是要挑战阻碍我们获得公平待遇的种族和经济障碍。Racism is still used to divide workers and keep wages low by making certain groups more vulnerable. Chinese workers, from building railroads to working in restaurants, have been kept in low-paying jobs with limited power to push back. That’s why organizing isn’t just about wages—it’s about challenging the racial and economic barriers that keep us from fair treatment.
如何与种族歧视和阶级歧视作斗争?How can we fight against racism and classism?
反对种族主义的斗争离不开对经济不公的抗争。许多有色工人同时面临经济和种族歧视,导致他们在工作场所中遭受双重不利影响。The fight against racism cannot be separated from the struggle against economic injustice. Many racialized workers experience both economic and racial discrimination, leading to compounded vulnerabilities in the workplace.
许多华裔工人从事低收入职位,这些工作通常缺乏工作保障、福利和公平工资。通过组织起来,我们可以要求更好的待遇,不仅改善我们自身的处境,也有助于更广泛的社区。Many Chinese workers occupy low-income positions that often lack job security, benefits, and fair wages. By organizing, we can demand better treatment, leading to improvements not just for ourselves but for the broader community.
了解阶级如何影响我们的工作经历,对于集体组织至关重要。通过培养阶级意识,我们可以认识到我们的共同奋斗,并团结起来,对抗那些让我们受压的体制。Understanding how class impacts our experiences in the workplace is essential for collective organizing. By fostering a sense of class consciousness, we can recognize our shared struggles and unite to fight against the systems that keep us oppressed.
心理上如何应对种族歧视 How to deal with racial discrimination mentally
遇到种族歧视,不是你的错——“踩到屎了” It’s not your fault when you encounter racial discrimination - “stepping on shit”
当我们出门踩上了一坨屎,我们不会责怪自己走错了路,只会责怪屎在路边出现。同样地,遇到种族歧视,不是因为你出现在错误的地方,做了错误的事情,更不是因为你做了错误的人生选择,来到了错误的国家和社会。种族歧视之所以会发生,唯一的原因就是种族歧视者认为在光天化日下可以无礼地对待我们。When we step on shit when we go out, we don’t blame ourselves for taking the wrong road, but only blame the shit for appearing on the roadside. Similarly, encountering racial discrimination is not because you are in the wrong place, do the wrong thing, or make the wrong life choice and come to the wrong country and society. The only reason why racial discrimination occurs is that racists think it is okay to treat us rudely in broad daylight.
允许自己的攻击性释放 Allow your aggression to be released
“以德报德,何以报怨?”当我们遭受了不公正的对待,在当场也选择了克制时,我们的攻击性就被压抑了。亚裔女性一向被规训“不该有”攻击性,面对冲突应该忍让、给台阶下;然而,当我们的安全感受到威胁时,攻击性恰恰是人类进化出来的与生俱来的武器,帮我们捍卫自己的人身安全和权利。被压抑的愤怒和攻击性往往会以对自己更有伤害性的方式体现出来,如:焦虑、悲伤、自责;麻木;消极攻击(passive aggression),甚至以失控的方式表达出来。允许自己通过交谈、咒骂、社交媒体、对抗性的体育运动等方式释放对不公正待遇的攻击性,把憋着的那口恶气呼出来。
“Repay kindness with kindness, what to repay evil?” When we are treated unfairly and choose to restrain ourselves at the time, our aggression is suppressed. Asian women have always been disciplined that they “should not be” aggressive and should be tolerant and give way when facing conflicts; however, when our sense of security is threatened, aggression is precisely the innate weapon evolved by humans to help us defend our personal safety and rights. Suppressed anger and aggression often manifest themselves in more harmful ways, such as anxiety, sadness, self-blame; numbness; passive aggression, and even in an uncontrolled way. Allow yourself to release your aggression against unfair treatment through conversation, cursing, social media, competitive sports, etc., and let out the pent out anger you are holding back.
找到合适的人和社群倾诉 Find the right people and communities to talk to
交流你的经验——也许有别的朋友因为你speak up而鼓起勇气 Communicate your experience - maybe another friend will get courageous because you SPEAK UP!
当你选择分享了你的反击经验,也许身边的朋友就会因此受到鼓舞,将ta们的故事也讲出来。这样就会留下多一个报警记录、多一封投诉邮件、多一份声音——我们不会被迫缄默。When you choose to share your experience of fighting back, maybe a friend close to you will be inspired to tell their story as well. This will leave one more police record, one more complaint email, one more voice - we won't be forced to be silent.
我们为什么要组织起来?Why should we organize?
为团结让我们更强大 United we are stronger
当我们团结在一起时,我们就有力量改善条件并要求改变。When we unite, we have the power to improve conditions and demand change.
为工人权益而奋斗 Fight for workers rights
组织能够帮助防止剥削并确保公平对待。Organizing helps protect against exploitation and ensures fair treatment.
为移民权益而奋斗Fighting for Migrant Rights
通过组织所有加拿大华裔一线工人,我们在为所有移民工人的权益发声。By organizing all Chinese Canadian frontline workers, we’re advocating for the rights of all migrant workers.
公平工资、福利、不再歧视以及更安全的工作环境 Fair wages, benefits, no more discrimination and a safer workplace
我们可以共同推动公平工资、医疗保障以及更安全的工作环境。Together, we can push for fair wages, healthcare, and safer environments.
请点击这里看文章 Read the full article here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/rIqUCgLa9VjysKpRU0Chog
People Power is the power we have when we come together as workers. Alone we may feel small, but together we are unstoppable. Our collective strength allows us to stand up against exploitation, demand fair treatment, and fight for better working and living conditions.
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