Empowering Refugees, Eliminating Barriers and Combating Misinformation - Supporting Chinese Refugees through Education and Research
难民赋权、消除障碍和打击错误信息 - 通过教育和研究支持华裔难民
CCNCTO has been collaborating with community organizations and members in various capacities to eliminate barriers facing Chinese refugees. CCNCTO has worked to address these barriers by providing increased access to information and engaging in community outreach. By engaging in community consultation, CCNCTO has been able to better understand the needs of our community members. By providing folks with increased access to information, CCNCTO hopes to empower Chinese refugees and assist them in advocating for their rights.
CCNCTO has partnered with Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Worker Support Network) and the Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic (CSALC) with funding from the Law Foundation of Ontario. Together they have been able to provide community members with culturally relevant and linguistically accessible legal information, resources, and service referrals.
If you are interested in joining our team, please sign up as a CCNCTO volunteer here https://forms.gle/YJJQMPQ9kfAfKxU69. Also, to stay up to date with our latest initiatives and events, please follow us on Instagram @CCNCTO, add us on WeChat @CCNCTO2, email us at info@ccnctoronto.ca, and/or subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here.
如果你有兴趣加入我们的团队,请登记成为平权会的志愿者:https://forms.gle/YJJQMPQ9kfAfKxU69。此外,要想了解我们最新的节目和活动,请在Instagram上关注我们@CCNCTO,在微信上添加我们@CCNCTO2,给我们发电子邮件: info@ccnctoronto.ca,或订阅我们的电子月报。