Education Equity Project
Our Education Equity project aims to build Chinese caregivers’ and students’ capacities to organize and advocate for equitable education policy. This project is a result of partnership with the Urban Alliance on Race Relations (UARR), Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA), Ontario Alliance of Black School Educators (ONABSE), and the Tamil Canadian Centre for Civic Action (TCCCA).
By working alongside caregivers and students and collaborating with other community organizations, stakeholders, and teachers' unions, our community members can better advocate against racial discrimination and for fair education rights for all, including Chinese students.
Our education equity work is meant to promote systemic changes. Our work is concerned with:
Racism and bullying at school
Injustice in the education system
Mental health of Chinese students
Curriculum changes to reflect diverse Canadian histories
Equitable and diversified recruitment practices
Mandatory paid anti-racism and anti-bias training
We are continuing our work by:
Engaging more students, caregivers, community members and organizations, stakeholders, teachers unions, etc to raise awareness on the topic of educational equity (including in curriculum, educator recruitment, and mental health support)
Working closely with elected school board trustees who have expressed the urge to combat anti-Asian racism in schools
Hold more events and discussions to help make transformative changes in schools
If you are interested in joining the Education Equity project, please sign up as a CCNCTO volunteer here Also, to stay up to date with our latest initiatives and events, please follow us on Instagram @CCNCTO (check out the highlight reel titled ‘School Racism’), add us on WeChat @CCNCTO2, email us at, and/or subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here.
For youth: We offer volunteer hours for all of our events! We also have a youth Discord, which you can join to learn more and connect with other youth members! Respond to this email to receive the invite link.
如果你有兴趣加入“教育公正项目”,请在这里登记成为平权会的志愿者:。此外,要想了解我们的最新举措和活动,请在Instagram上关注我们@CCNCTO(查看高光标出的题为 《学校种族歧视》的视频),在微信上添加我们@CCNCTO2,向我们发送电子邮件,和/或在这里订阅我们的电子月报。
针对青年: 我们为所有活动提供志愿小时数!我们还有一个青年 Discord频道,您可以加入以了解更多信息并与其他青年成员联系!回复此邮件即可获得邀请链接。